About Tutoring
Tutoring at Penn State Altoona helps students to be successful in learning. All services are free to Penn State Altoona students. The tutoring center is located on the first floor of the Eiche Library. Tutoring is handled primarily by professional tutors or instructors from the discipline during the fall and spring semesters. In some subjects, peer tutoring is also available. Peer tutors are students who have aced the class you seek help with and have received tutor training.
Please remember that tutoring is not intended to replace your class but to add more detail to what you have learned in class or during your instructor’s office hours.
To access these free services:
- Choose the schedule for your course from the menu.
- Show up at the place and time designated for your course.
- Start asking questions, and pay attention to the questions of others.
For many courses, there is a designated table where you can find help at almost any time on weekdays.